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HOT : Web Site, CVS and Release has been move to SourceForge. Version 2.0 in on the road ...

CorbaTrace is a helpful tool for tracing communications beetween Corba objects.
Once CorbaTrace is installed, remote calls are intercepted and all information is stored in XML log files. After that, you will be able to apply filters and produce XMI files to see the communications beetween distant objects on a UML sequence diagram.


When you develop distributed software, it's very hard to find bugs and to understand where the troubles are in your architecture. Corba is one of the best, complete and most used standard middleware architecture.
So we have made a tool that can easily trace communications beetween objects and see the result on a sequence diagram.
You can see some screenshots in the User docs section.


CorbaTrace is based on a new functionnality of Corba 2.3 : the portable interceptors. We tried to minimize the modifications to make in your source code to integrate CorbaTrace in your application. The result of the interception is transformed into XMI, which is the OMG format to store UML data in XML. So you can use any UML tool that supports XMI to see the diagrams.
Corbatrace is not based on a specific software but only on OMG specifications. It's written in Java (but it may be rewritten in any other language), and its license is LGPL (the free license of the Free Software Fondation). It's based on the new Sun JDK 1.4.


CorbaTrace was begun in september 2000, at the University of Nantes in France, for a project of two students in Master. They made a lot of research because portable interceptors were very new and just implemented. They progressed with the Orbacus examples. So, we greet them : Vincent Tricoire and Frederic Breton.
The project was continued and improved by 5 students of the DESS Genie Informatique of the university of Nantes in France (sept. 2001 - today). All the architecture was changed and upgraded (XML, XMI,etc.).
The project was ignited by two university professors : Philippe Lamarre and Christian Attiogbe.
We thank them for all his advise.

A new forum is open if you have some questions or comments.

Today, CorbaTrace is coded by : and And the maintener is Etienne Juliot.