- Interception package now intercepts the communications between local
objets, using the Java Logging package.
- Log2xmi is now a part of a bigger package : log2sequencediagram. log2sequencediagram
still allows the creation of sequence diagram in XMI and Tex, plus now in
- Synchronization of messages has been reviewed and upgraded.
- A new package, corbatrace.gui, provides a GUI to use log2sequencediagram,
get distant log files by FTP and display the SVG sequence diagram.
- First stable release : CorbaTrace v1.0
- very big documentation (100 pages) about project, XMI, and interceptors
- Filters can be configured with a XML file
- Synchronisation of messages with logs from computers not synchronised
- Use XMI 1.3 instead of XMI 1.1
- Fixe some bugs with out DTD and XML
- New example page
- upload and description of the EasyCorba libraries
- upload and description of the auction hall applications
- upload of version 0.3 of CorbaTrace
- Update of the javadoc
- 2 classes have been added to the xmi package: XmiParameter and
XmiDatatype. Now you can specify parameters for an Xmi Operation and give
these parameters a datatype. The example class has been modified to show how
to use these new classes.
- The test class of the xmi package to test XMI generation has
been renamed from Log2xmi to TestXmiGeneration
- some work on the website and doc
- Javadoc comments of the XMI APIs.
- Xmi classes have been modified to use only standard XML classes
of JDK1.4 or JAXP package.
- update of the website to explain the xmi visualisation part
- display problems of this website under Netscape are now corrected
- Upload of the msc.sty file for latex
- Correction of all the english pages into understandable english
- You can browse the CVS online.
- The JavaDoc API is online.
- Web
- Web site was created and put at http://corbatrace.tuxfamily.org
- A new clean CVS was created too.
2001-12-26 Version 0.0.1
- First release
- Intercept messages beetween Corba objects and created XML logs
CorbaTrace is a beta version. There is still a lot of work to do:
- a GUI to import all log files generated, create filter, generate
XMI, with a graphical wizard (Swing)
- do the traduction of the interception package into C++ (it's on the
way, but is anyone volunteer?!)
- test the log2xmi program with a bigger example than we did it
- make the XMI extensions for Objecteering and a free UML tool
- translate all pages in french and update the french pages
- comment and test the xmi2tex tool
- improve synchronization algorithm
- debug ;)